A forum among management team was successfully held

2015-12-17Issued by: Times of Browse1694
From December 12nd to December 13rd 2015, a forum among ehe company management team was held in Tonglihu holiday village in Suzhou. The main purpose of this forum is for strengthing communication and cooperation bwtween the three plants of Hongji, integrate resources, unite the developing goals, sum up the work in 2015 and plan for 2016.
    The workshop consisted of 3 parts. The first part is discussion about coordination among different departments and plants; the second part is attendees’ summing up and future expectations; the third part is GM's speech. The GM briefly introduced the operational performance of the whole company in 2015. He said that given the challenging economy situation on the market, our company's sales revenue has increased a lot. And he has analyzed in detail the challenges and opportunities of each company, emphasized human is the most important in a company's development, and personnel training should be considered at the strategic level. He quoted that “A person who has the ability to manage others is not necessarily a good manager; and only those who can manage themselves can be good managers.” At last, he reminded the managers the importance of team work. “We should not live in success of yesterday.”
    Through this workshop, the attendees know better about the develop aim and direction of the company, and are more confident about the company’s future. They said they will pass the meeting spiritual to every employee and will improve their work in 2016.
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